
BITA to come up with IT expo in November

DQW Bureau
New Update


lang="en-IN"> style="font-size: 11pt;" size="2">In

a bid to hasten things up in the domain of IT sales, href="">Bihar


Association (BITA) is planning to hold an annual expo said to be

scheduled towards the end of November 2010. “We are planning to

come up with an exclusive IT expo by the end of November this year.

There hasn't been much of a thing happening in the channel space in

the state with peace prevailing in business as well as in the

market,” said Naveen Gupta, Secretary, BITA.


style="font-size: 11pt;" size="2">Although

the plan is still in a deliberation stage in the association, BITA

has claimed that there has been much of an enthusiasm over the expo.

“The planned expo will be vendor driven in terms of sponsorships.

All sponsorships will be exclusively taken from the vendors. The

channel partners, however, will have the option of taking up stalls

and space in the expo,” added Gupta.


style="font-size: 11pt;" size="2">The


IT association's activity in the state
face="Times New Roman, serif"> style="background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous;">compared


the previous year has been low with no major developments taking

place this year. Some of the major members opined that because of

this there has been a “loss of interest amidst the members.”


style="font-size: 11pt;" size="2">Unless


is strife in the business scenario or a bit of tension, the

need for association's intervention does not arise primarily. Also,

with the business scenario seemingly good, channel partners are

concentrating more over their business. It is not that BITA is not of

interest to us but it's need is not felt at this hour,” a dealer

from Patna said on condition of anonymity.


style="font-size: 11pt;" size="2">According

to Gupta, BITA is planning to hold the expo by the end of November

primarily on account of two reasons as he elaborates, “The festive

season and Diwali will be over by the time we are planning the expo

and there will be enthusiasm among the members also. In the festive

season, our members will be busy with their social as well family

responsibilities. Also, the elections in the state will be over by

then with the verdict out.”


style="font-size: 11pt;" size="2">Besides,

most of the channel partners in the capital of the state seem to be

frustrated with the State IT policy not been implemented. “The

situation is dubious and we don't have any clue about the reasons

for postponing the State IT policy,” said another dealer from Patna

on grounds of anonymity.


style="font-size: 11pt;" size="2">Stating

the same fact, Gupta added, “It seems that the government is busy

planning the elections. It would have been better if the policy was

implemented before that. However, at this point of time, we don't

have any intimation about the implementation dates or schedule about

the policy. It is only after the elections, that the situation will

brighten up in this regard.”

