
BITA’s IT show gets patriotic

DQW Bureau
New Update


BITA, which will be holding its seventh IT Show 2004, will focus on being ‘Being
an Indian and Patriotism’ with the theme ‘Aao Hum Bharath Ko Aur Aage Badaye’.
For the event it has invited Shiv Khera, writer of international bookseller ‘You
Can Win’, who will be show-casing his 10 minute movie on India on all the
three days sponsored by Jetking Institute.

"Shiv Khera has a mission this year to change India there-fore, would be
showcasing this movie upto 15th August 2004 at all such exhibitions. This movie
goes with our theme this year therefore, was apt. There will also be a blood
donation camp conducted on 26th Jan-uary 2003, which has been supported by Su-raktam
Blood Bank.

There will be also a lot of political representation at the inauguration of
BITA’s IT show 2004. The association like every year is having a rally, a day
bef-ore the inauguration. At the rally there will be Baroda’s district
collector Bhagyesh Jha, Mayor NV Patel and MLA Jitu-bhai Sukdiya.


"The purpose of this rally is to bring about an awareness about the
show. The rally will start at nine in the morning going on for two and half
hours around the main areas. There will be 100 cars, 200 scooters in the rally
along with a music band and a pilot jeep. The cars would be of the stall owners
and decorated with banners etc. There would also be prizes given out to the best
decorated and informative car," said Dinesh Patel, President, BITA.

This year there have been 125 stalls booked compared to last years 80 and the
crowd expected at the event are between 1.5 to 3 lakh at the end of the three

Patel claimed, "There have been 100 percent bookings with 18 dealers
still in the wait-ing list compared to last years 78 percent booking. Dealers
from neighboring cities like Bharuch, Surat, Ahmedabad and from Mumbai dealers
like Jitubhai will be participating at the event. Intel would be taking up a
complete dome and is also the main sponsor; all its eight GIDs would be having
their stalls here. The vendor would also be conducting presenta-tions all
throughout the day on technology, its roadmap and also with an emphasis on
education, as students would be attending the event.


Nancy Sudheer


