
BITA at loggerheads with HP

DQW Bureau
New Update


In a dramatic move in

Patna, href="">HP conducted

a raid on one of its most prominent channel

partner accusing the company of stocking and involving into business

over counterfeit HP cartridges putting the channel partner behind

bars. The incident took place on October 7, with Bihar IT Association

( href="">BITA)

stepping in immediately, to rescue the alleged channel partner

and putting a ban on HP. “HP accused our fellow businessman of

dealing into counterfeit cartridges, which they have not been able to

prove so far. However, HP lodged an FIR putting the channel partner

behind the bars and we decided to unify and protest against the

atrocious move by HP,” said PK Sinha, Spokesperson, BITA. According

to BITA, the basis of the charges by HP is unclear. HP sent a legal

team for the raid, which concluded that the packaging of some of the

cartridges examined, reflected signs of counterfeit as the hologram

was under question. Further, as HP does not have a global tracking

number for HP consumables, the matter worsened with the legal team

accusing the channel partner of procuring HP cartridges illegally.

BITA further stated that

although sales invoices from the distributor was provided to HP, the

legal team was not satisfied and went ahead to lodge the FIR.

Besides, the accused is one of the most important and valuable

partner for HP in Bihar. As a measure of protest,

BITA members banned all trading with HP consumables from October 7 to

14, thereafter banning the entire range of HP products from the next

week and stopping entire business and all deals including

transactions with all brands from the third week. However,

considering the Dhanteras and the festive season, BITA has decided to

uplift the ban from October 28 till November 11. “The root cause of

all the trouble is non availability of serial numbers on consumable

products. Hence, we have decided to ban all the consumable brands,

which do not provide any unique serial number or global trackers,”

Sinha added. As a result of the

loggerhead, BITA has demanded an explanation from HP seeking

clarification and reasons over non-availability and non-use of global

serial trackers on its range of consumable products.


to the stance

that BITA has put forward, HP is all set to defend its claims. In an

official communication to The DQ Week, an HP spokesperson said, “HP

vigorously defends its intellectual property by engaging in

industry-leading anti-counterfeiting (ACF) practices to combat the

fraudulent sale of counterfeit HP products and supplies. HP's ACF

investigations and enforcements, span all touch points of the

counterfeit business around the world. HP is serious about protecting

its IP, trademark and its brand through intelligence and

investigations that span borders to disrupt the international trade

of illicit or counterfeit products.”

Sources in BITA further

stated, that top managerial personnel including Neelam Dhawan, rushed

to Patna immediately, to amicably settle the matter with BITA.

However, HP's reluctance in withdrawing the case against the alleged

channel partner resulted in a deadlock with HP asking time till

November 9 to settle the matter with BITA. “We will be taking up

strong action against HP unless the case against our fellow

businessman is withdrawn and the baseless charges are quashed,”

Sinha concluded.


HP seems to be in the mood of taking up the challenge from BITA and

at the same time inform their partners about counterfeits and track

them. Putting up a confident statement, the HP spokesperson

concluded, “It is understandable that the association (BITA) might

not be fully conversant, that counterfeit HP supplies sometimes

infiltrate the legitimate supply chain, thereby affecting their

business as well as HP's. If the subjects named/involved have been

duped into buying and selling counterfeit, it will come to light

during the police investigation and necessary actions will be taken

in accordance with law.”
