
Baroda IT association (BITA)

DQW Bureau
New Update


From rank nine in the
previous year, Baroda IT association has bagged sixth position in the
IDC survey. Please share your thoughts and key factors that helped
you attain this position?

Positive approach, vision
to support members, adding more and more activities for the benefit
of members as well as society, strong team spirit, strong family
values-that's what BITA stands for.

Member's feedback has
also been good for Baroda IT association. Do you feel that
associations should initiate active communication with their members,
and keep them engaged?

During the year, we have
almost filled all months with different activities and with
continuous meeting, our intercommunication and bond will become our
strength. The families of members are also included in most of the
events which converts us in to a big family. Active communication
with the members is a key for any association's success.

As you have been ranked
well on election timing, awareness programs and seminars, social
activities and website updating, what are the other parameters that
you will like to improve?

Still, miles to go.
Involvement from the members to put in their thoughts is very
important. We at BITA, maintain transparency in the activities, which
is very essential for the success. With the continuation of
all current events, we are working upon to add more such
events/programs like e-waste management, series of IT training
programs for school and colleges. BITA works as an arbitrator for the
members. More such social activities under BITA Foundation are BITA's
own educational campus, BITA IT Mall etc.


What are the challenges
that your association faces and how are you responding to them?

As far as IT business and
IT entrepreneurs are concerned, still as an industry, IT industry is
in a childhood stage. More awareness programs are required to make IT
industry to turn it mature enough. The rural market has great
potential and it is a big challenge for the association to make IT
industry more stable and mature plus work as team rather than working
as an individual.

What will be your key
initiatives to keep your association members engaged?

Our all current activities
keep our members engaged and we will keep adding more in to it as
mentioned earlier.
