
Aventail launches version 8.5 VPN platform

DQW Bureau
New Update


Aventail Corporation has released its version 8.5 VPN platform. The Aventail
Smart SSL VPN includes four key new technological features like Smart Tunneling,
Adap-tive Access, Bidirectional Tunnel Control and Cross-platform End Point

Incorporating Aventail's patent-pending Smart Tunne-ling architecture for
the first time, Aventail now delivers a single VPN solution that uni-fies
complete control and sec-urity with universal appli-cation access to all UDP,
TCP, IP protocols, and back conn-ect applications, such as VoIP.

Aventail Smart Tunneling is a Layer 3 tunnel with Layers 4 through seven
policy control, providing a direct, secure communication link between the end
point and the application and any reverse connection back out to the end device.


The new Aventail Smart SSL VPN will be generally available mid May,
distributed via Aventail's more than 300 channel partners worldwide. Pricing
starts at $6,995 for the Aventail EX-750 and at $9,995 for the Aventail EX-1500

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