
Asus to focus on GPS products

DQW Bureau
New Update


Asus will put more resources in to GPS (global positioning
system) research next year as the company's first GPS mobile phone-P535 will
be on shelves this month. Among Asus' hand-held devices, PDA and GPS related
products will account for 50 percent of the overall revenue in 2007. GPS PDA
mobile phones have been gaining popularity in the market in the second half of
the year. Dopod and Eten both introduced P800W and X500 at the same time. Asus
also introduced a 4-band PDA mobile phone adapted SiRF III chipset. Next year,
it is expected that PDA and GPS related products can contribute half of the
revenue. In terms of telecom service, location-based service can also elevate
mobile phone subscription. Smart hand-held device companies will put more effort
in to research and development in this field. Since MiTac debuted A700 in the
first six months this year, smart hand-held device industry is gearing up for
competition. HTC Artemis has already been adapted by T-Mobile in Europe and will
be sold through Dopod in Taiwan.
