
An Isyn PC for entertainment

DQW Bureau
New Update


Syntech is all set to launch two new PCs-the Isyn Home PC and the Isyn

Student PC.

Targeted at the home users, the Isyn Home PC is being positioned as an

alternative to expensive home theaters. The pro-duct, bundled with an optional

17" TFT LCD TV monitor and a remote can be plugged to a cable connection

for TV viewing. It is powered by Intel Pen-tium 4 HT processor and operates with

a minimum of 256 MB DDR memory.

The PC comes loaded with software ranging from multi-media tutorial CDs for

self-learning, power games, daily task scheduler to personal records keeper. It

is aggressively priced and will be available across the country beginning June.


The Isyn Student PC is based on the Intel Celeron platform. Targeted at the

vast student segment in India, the PC comes with specialized software to help

students study and do homework. It will include essential study materials of

different subjects, including Maths, Literature, Science and interesting

multimedia practical presentations. The PC is priced at sub 12 K level.

Commenting on the new initiative, Milon Chakraborty, Managing Director,

Syntech Infor-matics, said, "Our desktop models are evolved after prolonged

study and survey made in the field of consumer behavior and technology trends.

We always try to deliver the very best in IT solutions and this is not just a

box of hardware."

DQW News Bureau

