
Allied pep up sales reps of resellers

DQW Bureau
New Update


Allied CNT Solutions, a Mumbai-based security solutions pro-vider, is
offering sales persons of its resellers a cash-back offer on selling combination
of Check PointResilience solutions to customers. The cash-back incentive can
range from Rs 13,000 to Rs 43,000 on every bundle sold. The offer will remain
valid until June 2005.

Besides the cash-back offer for the sales persons, there will be a gift for
the top seller that will be announced at the end of June '05. Currently, there
are about 75 reseller partners working with Allied CNT across the country.

According to Arun Pathak, Country Manager, Allied CNT Solutions, this is the
first time such a scheme is being announced on any appliance in combination with
Check Point firewall by any security solution provider. The Check
Point-Resilience combination offer lets customers run a fire-wall on high
availability under active-passive mode with just one Check Point lic-ense.
"So the saving is approx Rs 3.5 lakh. This is about five percent saving for
the reseller on purchase of the Check Point-Resilience pack. This option is not
available with any other combination," informed Pathak.


A single bundle would cost anywhere between Rs 15 lakh to Rs 40 lakh.
According to Pathak, the key to surviving and thriving in this new digital
environment is to create a highly flexible and responsive organization.
Resilience offers a complete product line of Integrated High Availability (iHA)
security appliances, all based on Check Point's next generation security
software. "These two make an exce-llent combination to ensure secure and
reliable Internet communications," added Pathak.

Nelson Johny

