Speaking to ‘The DQ Week', Suresh K S, MD, Digicom, said, "It is all about moving from unconscious state of mind to conscious state of mind through meditation and helps the participants on how to effortlessly bring in balance of body, mind and soul." He further added that the workshop gave good insight on how thoughts and mind works as stumbling block to achieving balanced BMS. "How every thought becomes reality whether we are conscious about these thoughts are not. Today's human is bothered with unwanted thoughts every second and controlling is like catching thin air with your bare hands.", he told. Suresh concluded, "Finally we draw attention of all participants that achieving meditative state by observing breath is one stop solution for all body, mind and soul related problems and in-turn tread the path of self-knowledge, enlightenment and finally cosmic consciousness."
This is the second wellness programme organized by the association after the one conducted at Narayana Hrudalaya by Dr.Devi Kumar Shetty. "It was a wonderful experience - and definitely worth getting up early on a Sunday morning. This was a unique programme for AIT members and I thank the AIT Executive Committee and particularly Suresh for taking the initiative for this beneficial Workshop", said Rajkumar Dugar, MD, Rajhans Electronics, who was also a participant in the workshop. A.Sumathy, Director, Webcom Information Technology, said, "It was so much necessary for all of us
AIT conducts workshop on Mind, Body and Soul
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