
Ahmedabad gets Canon cinema center

DQW Bureau
New Update


Damson Technologies Pvt Ltd launched the 13th Canon Home Cinema Center on

September 19 in Ahmedabad. The center was inaugurated by Alok Bhardwaj, VP,

Canon India Ltd.

Speaking about the launch, Vivek Goenka, CEO, Damson Technologies Pvt Ltd

said, "At present none of the Canon home theatre centers in Ahmedabad are

build at such a large scale. In fact those centers can be referred to as sample

theatres. But our Canon Home Cinema Center in Gujarat is the largest one in

Gujarat with 200-inch screen and provides an ultimate experience of home


Canon has supported Damson with training of the staffs for handling the

center. According to Goenka, from October onwards, Canon is also planning to

carry advertisements for Damson's home center in some of the leading

newspapers. He said, "We are chalking out plans to offer franchisee for our

showrooms across Gujarat."


When asked when Damson's own branded PCs would be launched, Goenka said,

"We have plans of launching Damson PCs in the near future. But right now we

are concentrating on increasing the sale of other brands."

Shilpi Das

