
ACT Fibernet upgrades broadband speed

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ACT Fibernet upgrades broadband speed

ACT Fibernet recently upgraded internet broadband plans for its existing customers in Coimbatore, beginning 1 December 2017. In the newly upgraded plans, ACT Fibernet has combined the upload and download FUP which increased the FUP usage limit by almost 300%. Customers can now choose to consume data on uploads or downloads as per their usage behaviour.


Known for bringing future ready technology and unparalleled internet experience of fiber broadband in India, ACT Fibernet’s upgraded plans will allow customers to enjoy incredible fast internet speed at no additional cost.

Under the retail customer plans, ACT Basic has been upgraded to 75 GB FUP limit with 15 Mbps speed from 25 GB upload FUP limit and 25 GB download FUP limit. Similarly, ACT Rush has been upgraded to 100 GB FUP limit with 25 Mbps speed from 40 GB upload FUP limit and 40 GB download FUP limit.

ACT Sprint has been upgraded to 240 GB FUP limit with 60 Mbps speed from 70 GB upload FUP limit and 70 GB download FUP limit, ACT Race has been upgraded to 300 GB FUP limit with 80 Mbps speed from 100 GB Upload FUP limit and 100 GB download FUP limit, ACT Zoom has been upgraded to 400 GB FUP limit with 100 Mbps speed from 150 GB upload FUP and 150 GB download FUP limit, ACT Bolt has been upgraded to 500 GB FUP limit with 125 Mbps speed from 175 GB upload FUP limit and 175 GB download FUP limit.


Similarly, under the SOHO (Small office, home office) plans, ACT Remarkable has been upgraded to 1000 GB FUP limit with 125 Mbps speed from 350 GB upload FUP limit and 350 GB download FUP limit, ACT Exceptional has been upgraded to 1400 GB FUP limit with 150 Mbps speed from 500 GB upload FUP limit and 500 GB download FUP limit, has been upgraded to 1800 GB FUP limit with 150 Mbps speed from 650 GB upload FUP limit and 650 GB download FUP limit.

Speaking on the upgraded plans, Bala Malladi, CEO, Atria Convergence Technologies Pvt Ltd commented, “We constantly strive to bring the best internet speeds to our customers, and to achieve the same we keep curating our internet broadband plans basis our customers' requirements. The combination of FUP limits will help customers access high broadband speeds and consume data based on their needs and purpose”.

The below table captures the upgrades:

Retail Plans Plans till 30 November 2017 Revised plans from 1 December 2017
Plan Name Rental (Rs) Speed Downloads Uploads Post FUP Speed Speed FUP Download + Upload Post FUP Speed
ACT Basic 649 15 Mbps 25 GB 25 GB 512 Kbps 15 Mbps 75 GB 512 Kbps
ACT Rush 799 25 Mbps 40 GB 40 GB 512 Kbps 25 Mbps 100 GB 512 Kbps
ACT Sprint 999 40 Mbps 70 GB 70 GB 512 Kbps 60 Mbps 240 GB 512 Kbps
ACT Race 1,099 60 Mbps 100 GB 100 GB 512 Kbps 80 Mbps 300 GB 512 Kbps
ACT Zoom 1,299 75 Mbps 150 GB 150 GB 512 Kbps 100 Mbps 400 GB 512 Kbps
ACT Bolt 1,499 100 Mbps 175 GB 175 GB 512 Kbps 125 Mbps 500 GB 1 Mbps


SOHO- Coimbatore Plans till 30 November 2017 Revised plans from 1 December 2017
Plan Name Rental (Rs) Speed Download Upload Post FUP Speed Speed FUP

Download + Upload

Post FUP Speed
ACT Remarkable 2,999 100 Mbps 350 GB 350 GB 2 Mbps 125 Mbps 1000 GB 2 Mbps
ACT Exceptional 3,999 125 Mbps 500 GB 500 GB 2 Mbps 150 Mbps 1400 GB 2 Mbps
ACT Phenomenal 4,999 125 Mbps 650 GB 650 GB 2 Mbps 150 Mbps 1800 GB 2 Mbps

