
ACMA to conduct IT Show in December

DQW Bureau
New Update


Ahmedabad Comp­uter Mer­chants Association (ACMA) has announced that the
sixth edition of ACMA IT Show 2009 will be held between December 18-20, 2009 at
University Ground, Ahmedabad, in association with Markcom Solutions. The
association is expecting more than 1.25 lakh visitors for the duration of the IT
show, which last year, attracted around 90,000 visitors.

Kirti Thakkar, President, ACMA said, “Exhibitions are one of the most
effective mediums for establishing and maintaining customer relations. In an
increasingly digital age, they are the only medium where buyer, seller and
product physically come together-a potent force for business.”

  • Expecting 156 exhibitors, 1.25 lakh visitors in 3 days
  • Spread across 75,000 sq ft
  • FITAG IT convention
  • Theme pavilion, IT job fair
  • Wi-fi & WiMax enabled area

The show serves as a launch pad for new and innovative products in the
region. This year, the association also plans to hold IT job and education
fairs, IT fashion show-competition among IT institutes in the region and special
events. In order to scale up active participation, the association has lined up
lots of variations this year like a Theme Pavilion, which will showcase the
past, present and future generations of IT in India.

During the second day of the event, Federation of IT Association in Gujarat (FITAG),
plans to hold an IT convention. The convention will bring together all the
associations in the region to discuss the IT scenario. Kaushik Pandya,
President, FITAG, said, “Gujarat is currently looking forward to the ACMA IT
Show this year. We are hoping to take this opportunity to organize an IT
convention on Dec 19. We are in talks with various government and national
bodies to attend the event. The IT scenario, both regionally and nationally, is
changing and this convention will give everyone a platform to talk about
anxieties and issues related to this IT arena.”

Discussing the importance of such expos for businesses Narendra Bhetaria,
Chairman—ACMA IT Show 2009 stated, “IT has touched every Indian beyond their
age, cast and income group but the awareness is still very low. With the help of
ACMA IT Show we want optimum citizens to grab as much knowledge as possible.”
