SoftAge launched the 10digi app and web-based telecom aggregator platform in Delhi/NCR. This app will be providing services like free home delivery of telecom products like SIM cards (new prepaid and postpaid connections) and dongles. The single descriptive aggregator platform will aim to accelerate delivery and activation of SIMs. It is said that customers will be able to get their SIMs activated within 1-4 hours which is very fast as compared to present process which takes at least 8-48 hours.
The e-commerce platform has come up with the concept of 'Mobile Retailers'. The delivery process will be fast and simple. Mobile retailers will be appointed for collecting customer's documents at their doorstep. It is said that mobile retailers will be using their own motorcycles for the same but in case the retailer is not having one then the company will be providing one. With such schemes 10digi will be creating approx 10,000 new job opportunities and could generate more market shares.
According to Ozair Yasin, Co- founder and MD, 10digi, more cities will be included soon in the plan apart from Delhi/NCR. The only reason to launch the services in Delhi/NCR is that these are dense metro areas and more adaption can be achieved here. Also, Gurgaon is near to the company thus it will be easy to examine the customers here. The company has tied-up with only few telecom service providers to which Sherjil Ozair, Co- founder and CTO, 10digi says that at present only those telecom service providers are involved with whom they have done business earlier and they are always open for the new telecom service providers in future. 10digi ensures the customers for high quality control as tracking through systems will be there. 10digi ensures instant SIM activation for e-kyc subscribers. For paper- KYC subscribers, SIM is activated within 4 hours for prepaid connections, and within 8 hours for postpaid ones. 10digi will also provide services like photocopies of identity/address proof and photograph, required for the connections with nominal charges at customer's residence. Other than the SIM providing service, the company is planning to introduce new products in future like mobile devices, accessories, etc.
10digi launches doorstep SIM delivery in Delhi/NCR
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