
Good News! Facebook to order food for you

DQW Bureau
New Update
Good News! Facebook to order food for you

If you get hungry while killing that 'Like' button, and want to chill some more in the digital world instead of going out and getting food, then worry no more.


Facebook has come up with an 'Order Food' service under its main navigation menu. However, these services are only released for a select users in the United States.

The social networking website will roll out the feature on both PC and mobile platforms for select users, reported TechCrunch . The social network giant is probably pushing out the new feature on trial basis.

This move is an expansion of an earlier deal between Facebook and online food delivery services and Slice in the United States. While signing the deal in October last year, Facebook had said that it will allow its users to connect to restaurants for ordering food under a new 'Start Order' option.

The entire process - from selecting restaurants, ordering food and check out - will be done on Facebook itself. Facebook will play aggregator to the two US-based food delivery websites, with all actions being carried out on its own website but will still be powered by either of the two food delivery services.

Fare in India

The online food delivery industry is already pretty competitive in India. Facebook's Order Food service will  either have to fend off the competition or facilitate the use of other food-ordering applications. Applications like FoodPanda, Fassos, Swiggy, Zomato and many more are already contending for the top position of a growing and vibrant sector in India.

Owing to its deal with existing food delivery services, it seems that Mark Zuckerberg's company plans to act as an aggregator instead of competitor to the existing players in the market. Since the service is at its nascent stage, we cannot assure if Facebook will roll out the feature across its global market.
